Ancient Faith Radio
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Ancient Faith Ministries Website
Ancient Faith Ministries exists to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through accessible and excellently-crafted publications and creative media that educate, edify, and evangelize, leading to a living experience of God through His Holy Orthodox Church.
Ancient Faith Ministries is a department of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America with a pan-Orthodox outreach.
Fr. Thomas Hopko Podcasts
A series of reflections on the Divine Liturgy of the Orthodox Church.
Fr. Thomas Hopko identifies the names bestowed on Christ by the Holy Scriptures and the Church Fathers and explains their significance.
Fr. Thomas Hopko provides compelling commentary on Christian belief and behavior.
More Podcasts
Fore more podcasts about a diverse and rich list of topics please check out the podcasts from Ancient Faith radio by clicking on the link below.