What is Orthodox Christianity?
The Lord Jesus Christ did NOT build different Churches, He built only One Church and Died for Her (Matthew 16:18)
The Orthodox Church...
... carries the beauty of the original, traditional Christian faith that you may not have known existed.

... is "The Church that Christ Built", and not just a denomination out of so many.

...is NOT another flavor of Christianity, it is the fullness of the timeless Christian faith

... is where the faith arrives to the depth of the soul, and does not stop at the heart or the intellect.

...started at the time of Christ. and for 350 years lived without the Bible, and carried the faith till now through Her life.

...did not only receive the Bible. but did write it Herself through the Holy Spirit.

...is where the search for God seizes, and where Communion with Him begins.

...is concerned with your spiritual health rather than its financial standing.

...sheds the light on misconceptions about Christ and about yourself. She helps you walk towards Him.

In The Orthodox Church...
Christ did Not come to preach the Bible, but Himself and His life.

...The Bible is only one part of the Christian faith. The Christian faith includes the continuity of history since Christ, the beauty of Liturgy, music, teachings, art, and creativity without innovation.

...We gather every Sunday around Christ in the Eucharist. and not around anything else.

...The Angels are actually present during true Reverent Worship. The faithful sing with them Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Sabaoth.

...We are led by a Bishop who can be traced and connected all the way back to the Holy Apostles.

...The unity of the Church is not held by hierarchy of earthly men, but rather by the Holy Spirit who unites people in the same doctrine and practice across the world.

...The sermon is not the center of true worship. but only a small part of Worship in Spirit and in Truth.

...Our forefathers are martyrs, confessors, and teachers of the world.

...The majority of our Church Community are saints who are in heaven and praying for those who are on earth.

...True Worship involves all five senses: Tasting the Body and Blood of the Lord, Smelling sweet fragrance, Listening to angelic hymns, Seeing Icons that show the life of Christ and His saints, and touching sanctified liturgical items.

...The priest does not hold the authority of the interpretation of the Bible according to his opinion. Everyone in the Church behold the teaching of the One Church since the time of Christ.

...If the Bible was completely lost, the Church of Christ continues to carry its teachings. Because She lives it completely through Her teachings and Her liturgical cycle.

...You are guided to see your own sins rather then others' to overcome them, and are guided through the path of repentance, rather than tell you: "You are good and saved".