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Our Family Community

Christ has asked the apostles to "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations" (Matthew 28:19).

Hence, Orthodox Christianity is for everyone. Our Church community is a family of people from all walks of life. They come from different states in the United States and from so many different countries from all over the world. These countries include: Serbia, Ukraine, Jordan, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Iraq and many others. Everyone is welcome. All new members, if they choose to, become part of this loving family that is united in their faith in Christ and for their love to His Church. We are all here to support each other and take care of each other through our journey of repentance with Christ.


Do You like to Serve?

We welcome anyone who like to serve the Church. If you feel that you would like to serve the Church and don't know how,we will help you. Come and talk to the priest, he will guide you towards discovering your spiritual gifts. If you already know your gift, come, and talk to the priest, and he will guide you as well. We need all sorts of help, if you know how to make bread (as an example), we need you, and if you know how to sing, draw, care for others, drive, anything that you would like to do, we will help you put this gift for the service of God's Church.

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© 2025

St. Basil the Great 

Orthodox Church

Bismarck, ND

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